December 5, 2012

The Lenovo Ideapad z580

I recently bought the Lenovo Ideapad z580. It is a great Laptop for people who wish for a good, sturdy machine. Lenovo has manufacured it to be a laptop that many people can afford.


  1. The z580 features a great third generation Intel Core i5 or 17 processor. 
  2. 4, 6 or 8 gigs of RAM
  3. It usually comes with Windows 7 or 8 preinstalled
  4. 2 USB 2.0 ports
  5. 2 USB 3.0 ports
  6. DVD or Blu-ray drive 
  7. comfortable Lenovo Keyboard
  8. A big touchpad that i personally think is even more comfortable than that of a Macbook
  9. 500 - 1000 gigs of HDD (Hard Disk Drive) storage space
  10. There is the possibility of adding a SSD (Solid State Drive)

  1. Low resolution display
  2. Glossy display*
  3. Battery life the z580 battery life is quite short. It also turns out to be hard to save a lot of energy. Even when the screen is on full brghtness it does not seem extremely bright. If you turn your screen brightness to half power and you turn on power saver mode, you might be able to get a couple hours out of the laptop. I recomend to take the power cord with you. 
* At first I was scared of buying the z580 because of its gloddy screen. I decided to buy a anti gloss screen protector. I ended up not having to use it. The dispay only disturbes if there is direct sun light. I think it is good to buy an anti gloss screen protector just in case.

I spent two months looking for an ideal laptop in the price range of 600-750 euros. I bought the z580 at amazon for 699.
The laptop i got included:

  • Intel Core i7 processor
  • 1 terrabyte of HDD
  • 8 gigs of RAM
  • DVD drive (a blu-ray drive makes the laptop apprx. 50 euros more expensive)

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