December 7, 2012

The z580 Best Features

The Lenovo Ideapad z580, in my opinion, is one of the only affordable, good, sturdy and powerful machines on the market.

I am very happy with it.
I have already posted about the bad parts of the laptop, but I hardly notice them because of the overall image.

What do I especially value about the z580?

  • The film mode. It offers great sound and image quality. I wondered why Lenovo didnt make this mode the standard mode. Im guessing its because it drains the weak battery even faster than the standard mode. Thank you to Lenovo for giving the user so many options
  • The touchpad! It´s extremely comfortable.
  • The Keyboard. Its not too loud and comfortable
  • The aluminum hull. It gives the laptop a expensive feeling
  • I guess its good it has USB 3.0 eventhough i dont use it yet
  • USB 2.0 jacks. 3 jacks would proabaly be better though
  • The Grafik card. The graphics are fast and good. TF2 for instance has never lagged
  • The quiet fan
  • The 5 in 1 card reader. This is a great feature!  

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